EMP is pegged to Ethereum at 4000:1. What does that mean?
Ok - so it’s important that you understand this - so let's go through this step by step!
The price of EMP is linked directly to the price of Ethereum.
The ratio is 4000:1.
That means that WHEN 4000EMP equals the price of 1 Ethereum - we are known as being AT PEG.
Another way of putting this is "When we are at PEG - the exact ratio is 4000 EMP = 1Ethereum”
So being “AT PEG” means that if you divide the price of Ethereum by 4000 - you will get the current price of EMP.
HOWEVER….…of course it’s not (sadly) as simple as that! (it never is) 😀
HOWEVER….…of course it’s not (sadly) as simple as that! (it never is) 😀
The 4000:1 ratio is only accurate when EMP.Money is ‘at PEG’.
The PEG is completely dependent on the buying and selling volume of EMP.
If there are more buyers than sellers of EMP - the PEG goes up.
If there are more sellers than buyers of EMP - the PEG goes down.
So - EMP.Money is pegged to the price of Ethereum at exactly 4000:1 when the PEG is 1.0
Imagine ETH is $1600
If we are at Peg - that means the price of EMP would be $0.40
This means that the ratio is exactly 4000EMP:1ETH
Now imagine that ETH is still $1600 - but EMP is $0.20
This now means that the ratio is 8000EMP:1ETH
So this means that the value of EMP has fallen.
In this example - this would be because we are below PEG.
This is because more people have been selling EMP than buying.
Imagine that ETH is still $1600 - but EMP is $0.60
This now means that the ratio is 2666EMP:1ETH
So this means that the value of EMP has risen.
In this example - this would be because we are above PEG.
This is because more people have been buying EMP than selling.
I know this can be a confusing topic to get your head around — but I hope this helps a bit!
~ chris